Abilities 2 Thrive Support Network
About Us
Hi we are Liz and Lee and we are members of the same family, passionate to see change and inclusion for all abilities to live their best life and find open employment if they desire to.
Between us we have been working with people with disability for 30+ years. Our shared values and belief that everyone should be supported to live the life they dream of is what has led us to create abilities2thrive – A2T
We offer a free no obligation home visit to see if we are what you are looking for in a service provider and determine if we can meet your specific needs. We believe anything is possible.
Supports for you will be tailored to your specific and unique requirements. It may be that you seek companionship, support at home or assistance with community access or you may want to find work that suits you and your needs.
If you seek employment, we will advocate for you and help you find the right employer with the right attitude and work environment for you.
Our supports can also help you maximise your NDIS funding for social activities, community engagement and many other options that will be tailored to the options available within your NDIS package, catering to both plan managed and self-managed participants
Our promise is not only quality care, your way, but an inclusive environment where you can participate and meet other people if you wish to. Our group activities are determined by our customers needs and desires.
Our Mission
Provide a service that offers high flexibility and flexible support to people with a disability based on a philosophy of choice and control.
Our Vision
All people with a disability receive the support they need to live the life they want to the fullest.
Our Values
Kindness, Transparency, Choice and Control, Dignity, Respect
Liz’s Why
During my 20 plus years as a General Manager in Disability employment I witnessed first hand the struggles and bias that our participants could sometimes come up against to find a place they felt included, supported, and listened to.
Many were seeking inclusion and meaningful social supports and some employment supports in the hope of living the life they dream of.
Advocacy was key to their success and this became my passion. Watching people flourish and live their best life through support and understanding become the goal as well as breaking down bias and finding opportunity for each person including meaningful work if they so desired.
Lee’s Why
Having worked in Disability Employment Services for the past 10 years, I have seen all abilities reach different milestones through genuine support directly related to the customers needs and desires.
With my experience in Talent and Acquisition I am a firm believer in matching the right support services or employment opportunities for our customers. This is key to the success for the individual and their families. Listening to families who know the individual is also key to making sure the supports we provide are building capabilities.